

Suntem frumoși în fiecare zi

We are beautiful everyday

text: Gabriela Dincă illustration: Maria Petrea We all know that beauty is subjective, that it is something difficult to...

Cum trăiesc femeile din România?

How do women live in Romania?

text: Diana Stanciu illustration: Raluca Cozmi !TW: TO MENTION Although we live in the 21st century, the year of grace 2023, the country...

De ce Her Time?

Why Her Time?

text: Maria Petrea illustration: Cristina Radoaica Each of us has a dream. My dream is to be an example...

Cum învăț să mă iubesc?

How do I learn to love myself?

text: Irina Voiculescu illustration: Raluca Cozmi "If we can detach ourselves from what others think and if we can assume...

Romanian women in science

Romanian women in science

text: Stanciu Diana illustration: Rădoaica Cristina I think many of us have heard of Romanian scientists such as...

Women who rule the world

Women who rule the world

text: Ștefania Gheorghe illustration: Husaru Medeea Recently, we've been talking about women's employment, tangentially...

O scrisoare pentru voi

A letter for you

text: Fabiola Girneata and Alexa Serban illustration: Ana-Maria Mihailidis Dear feministx, Or the person who believes in...

Bancnota de 20 de lei

20 lei banknote

text: Andrada Sima illustration: Adriana Tomeci Mihai Eminescu, Lucian Blaga, IL Caragiale...no, I'm not going to start now...

În spatele ochilor lumii

Behind the eyes of the world

Text: Andreea Decean We are used to you that at these monthly interviews we always present someone already "in the light of...

Publicitatea sexistă 

Sexist advertising 

text: Ioana Butaru illustration: Larisa Petcut Sneak peek: "What does the advertising we see educate us today? That the woman...

Normalizarea anormalului

Normalizing the abnormal

text: Andrada Sima,,,What is normal in this world?'', a question that probably many of you have...

Taxa Roz

Pink Tax

text: Maria Bogdan illustration: Larisa Petcut I think we have all been put in the situation where we walk through...

Hai să vorbim și despre bărbați 

Let's talk about men too 

text: Andreea Decean illustration: Diana Visinescu I recently noticed that we put a lot of emphasis on...

RBG’s legacy: a feminist icon

RBG's legacy: a feminist icon

text: Ioana Butaru illustration: Diana Visinescu I don't think there is anyone who hasn't seen the flurry of news from...

De ce nu le place oamenilor feminismul?

Why do people dislike feminism?

text: Stefania Gheorghe illustration: Adara Cheles What is feminism? The first clarification that needs to be made from the start...

Am învățat că nu pot să fiu feministă fără să știu ce implică această mișcare

I learned that I cannot be a feminist without knowing what this movement entails

In the light (I honestly don't know how favorable) of the last few weeks of high school, I instinctively go back, I think, to all the beliefs I had about myself and about femininity (a principle that seemed completely inaccessible to me and which, invariably, constantly rejected me so as I rejected him too) at the beginning of the ninth grade.

Deci, crezi că te-ai născut în era greșită?

So you think you were born in the wrong era?

Since you clicked on the article, I assume that you have also seen period movies and series or read books from the same register: Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, maybe The Vanity Fair? Whatever they are, one thing is certain: vintage productions have a special air, something that catches you in its nets and makes you transpose to another point in time.

Sunt sau nu într-o relație toxică?

Am I in a toxic relationship or not?

Surely many of you have once found someone, you liked them, you decided to hook up, and after a period when you noticed certain negative changes in the relationship, you asked yourself the question: "Am I in a relationship?" toxic?".

Her Story

Her Story

Her Time Romania is organizing the Her Story contest for the first time! If you want to present your story and your own experience, now is the time! Through the submitted articles, you will have the chance to promote your personal platform, and the text written by you will appear on our blog. 

De ce trebuie să normalizăm acneea? 

Why do we need to normalize acne? 

Of course, the society that conditions us to believe that we MUST achieve unrealistic standards such as having perfect skin all the time, without pimples, pores or other "impurities".