Text: Alexandra Manea Illustration: Delia Olaru It is already a known fact that we are exposed daily to any type of...
Barbie- feminist idol or bad influence?
Text: Diana Stanciu With the appearance of the film Barbie, a film that concentrates multiple empowering messages for...
We are beautiful everyday
text: Gabriela Dincă illustration: Maria Petrea We all know that beauty is subjective, that it is something difficult to...
How do women live in Romania?
text: Diana Stanciu illustration: Raluca Cozmi !TW: TO MENTION Although we live in the 21st century, the year of grace 2023, the country...
Talking to LGBTQIA_ people- Testimonials
text: Antonia Ianc and Cezar Popescu illustration: Cristina Rădoaica It's the end of June, i.e. the end of Pride Month, but...
Why Her Time?
text: Maria Petrea illustration: Cristina Radoaica Each of us has a dream. My dream is to be an example...
How people from the LGBTQIA+ community live around the world
text: Andrei Constantin illustration: Cristina Radoaica The term LGBTQIA+ refers to a wide category of people,...
How do I learn to love myself?
text: Irina Voiculescu illustration: Raluca Cozmi "If we can detach ourselves from what others think and if we can assume...
Feminism and the advocacy of women's rights
text: Diana Stanciu illustration: Cristina Radoaica There is never an inappropriate moment to talk about feminism and...
Manifesto of March 8: OUR Womb IS NOT YOUR PROFIT!
March 8, 2023 and we are still fighting for fundamental rights. We are still fighting for...
The Poisonous Mushroom – Feminism
text: Viorica Ciolan illustration: Rădoaica Cristina "To be or not to be?" As metaphorical and well-known as it is…
Romanian women in science
text: Stanciu Diana illustration: Rădoaica Cristina I think many of us have heard of Romanian scientists such as...
"Shock" news: Sport is sexist!
text: Irina Voiculescu illustration: Radoaica Cristina When was the last time you saw more advertised...
Women's rights and equal opportunities, the priorities of the Council of the European Union for the next 6 months
Text: Stefania Gheorghe In the first half of 2023, Sweden holds the presidency of the Council of the European Union. The...
Let's discuss the 2022 Gender Equality Index report
text: Diana Stanciu illustration: Rădoaica Cristina Before reaching the report for 2022, most likely, it will...
Johnny Depp and male domestic abuse
text: Maria Bogdan illustration: Adriana Tomeci I think we have all heard recently about the famous process...
Women who rule the world
text: Ștefania Gheorghe illustration: Husaru Medeea Recently, we've been talking about women's employment, tangentially...
A letter for you
text: Fabiola Girneata and Alexa Serban illustration: Ana-Maria Mihailidis Dear feministx, Or the person who believes in...
The tumultuous history of women writers
text: Csereș Karina Nicoleta illustration: Larisa Petcut Writing has always represented an exercise of the need...
The third and fourth wave of feminism
text: Stefania Gheorghe illustration: Ana-Maria Mihailidis As promised, I'm back with a continuation of the article...
20 lei banknote
text: Andrada Sima illustration: Adriana Tomeci Mihai Eminescu, Lucian Blaga, IL Caragiale...no, I'm not going to start now...
The first two waves of feminism - what changes did they cause?
text: Stefania Gheorghe illustration: Ana Maria Mihailidis The feminist movement has changed over time...
Behind the eyes of the world
Text: Andreea Decean We are used to you that at these monthly interviews we always present someone already "in the light of...
Sexist advertising
text: Ioana Butaru illustration: Larisa Petcut Sneak peek: "What does the advertising we see educate us today? That the woman...
65,000 children dropped out of school during the pandemic – what happens to them?
March 11, 2020 - the day that no student will forget. Forward vs. Now the Pandemic has changed all of our lives,...
Normalizing the abnormal
text: Andrada Sima,,,What is normal in this world?'', a question that probably many of you have...
Feminism, a good marketing strategy?
text: Stefania Gheorghe illustration: Larisa Petcut I was scrolling recently on Instagram stories and from a...
Pink Tax
text: Maria Bogdan illustration: Larisa Petcut I think we have all been put in the situation where we walk through...
Representation of women at the Nobel Prizes
text: Ioana Butaru The Nobel Prize is, in essence, an annual distinction awarded in the form of prizes to those who, in the year...
Body positivity vs. body acceptance
(And why not let society's rules define you anymore) text: Maria Bogdan illustration: Larisa Petcut As women...
The border between Romania and Moldova with women in the foreground - Interview
interview by Ioana Butaru "From any sour lemon you can make a tasty lemonade if you know what ingredients to add" I...
Let's talk about men too
text: Andreea Decean illustration: Diana Visinescu I recently noticed that we put a lot of emphasis on...
RBG's legacy: a feminist icon
text: Ioana Butaru illustration: Diana Visinescu I don't think there is anyone who hasn't seen the flurry of news from...
If you are a woman…
text: Andrada Sima illustration: Beatrice Pura If you are a woman,...
The educational system vs. The women
text: Andreea Decean illustration: Diana Marina Considering the period we are in, we decided like this from the beginning...
Why do people dislike feminism?
text: Stefania Gheorghe illustration: Adara Cheles What is feminism? The first clarification that needs to be made from the start...
Interview with a "Fempreneur"
- ADA GALEȘ - interview conducted by: Maria Bogdan Ada Galeș is one of the women who inspired me in...
I learned that I cannot be a feminist without knowing what this movement entails
In the light (I honestly don't know how favorable) of the last few weeks of high school, I instinctively go back, I think, to all the beliefs I had about myself and about femininity (a principle that seemed completely inaccessible to me and which, invariably, constantly rejected me so as I rejected him too) at the beginning of the ninth grade.
So you think you were born in the wrong era?
Since you clicked on the article, I assume that you have also seen period movies and series or read books from the same register: Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, maybe The Vanity Fair? Whatever they are, one thing is certain: vintage productions have a special air, something that catches you in its nets and makes you transpose to another point in time.
Am I in a toxic relationship or not?
Surely many of you have once found someone, you liked them, you decided to hook up, and after a period when you noticed certain negative changes in the relationship, you asked yourself the question: "Am I in a relationship?" toxic?".
Her Story
Her Time Romania is organizing the Her Story contest for the first time! If you want to present your story and your own experience, now is the time! Through the submitted articles, you will have the chance to promote your personal platform, and the text written by you will appear on our blog.
Why do we need to normalize acne?
Of course, the society that conditions us to believe that we MUST achieve unrealistic standards such as having perfect skin all the time, without pimples, pores or other "impurities".